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11 réflexions sur “Contact

  1. Hey, Miss Ayo how are you?
    This is Tynesha from the anbuianqueen blog and I have noticed that you have liked a couple of my posts and I wanted to let you know that it was not going un-noticed. However, with that being said I would love to comment and be able to read your blog as well although I am having a difficult time in trying to translate it into my native language. Is there a way that I can translate your blog so that I can read it and comment on it?


    • Hello Queen,
      Thank you for writing to me.
      I understand the lack of time.
      I have promised I would write in English and I do it sometimes.
      I don’t know if you have noticed but sometimes it begins in French then part or all the text is traduced in English.

      I know there are traduction tools you can insert on your blog and I tried to do so but I didn’t managed.
      I will lauch an SOS for someone to help me.

      For the moment, all I can advice you is to use the Google translator. It’s not always perfect but it gives you at least the general meaning and most of the details.

      So, thank you for your visit and message.
      I will do something for the translation tool.

      Have a nice day!

      Ayo Délé


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